Friday, November 6, 2009

Thasmaath Jaagratha - 1.

Thasmaath Jaagratha means be ever vigilent! We keep on getting ever new diseases everyday. Now this swine flu! It is a viral disease. Each time we face a new disease, scientist run into their research labs to develop a vaccine. Some say the outcome is good and some say it is dangerous! We are always between the devil and the deep sea! Why only a few get a disease when the virus is all over. When you sow seeds, they grow well in some soil and some dont in the same soil. Same way, viruses invade only those bodies which dont resist. That means, we have to resist the invasion of viruses rather developing vaccines and medicines to fight them at a great expense and that too late after many fall victim. We have some simple ways and means to resist viruses from invading our bodies or even kill them or drive them away. For all infections, there are simple techniques to keep them at bay. I have tried several of them successfully on me. I give three simple ways I found good. I give them below at no liability to me whatsoever. You may try and hopefully stand benefitted.
1. Take a clean glass of clean water. Add a tsp of common salt and dissolve it. Take a 12"x12" of clean cloth. Dip it in the salt water, wring it such that it doesnt drip. Double fold it, keep it on your nose and take deep breaths through it for 10 minutes. Do this two or three times a day.
Keep this double folded cloth with you and cover your face whenever someone nearby sneezes, coughs or yawns to protect yourself from droplet infection.
2. Take a 9 vold battery, hold it by putting your left thumb on its negative terminal and other left hand fingers on its bottom. Then, tap its positive terminal with your right index finger gently but firmly as fast as confortable for 10 minutes. Do this two or three times a day.
3. Take two or three cloves of garlic raw direct if you can tolerate. Otherwise, put it in a dough of some flour. slightly directly burn it on burning cinders or gas. You simply gulp it. It kills many microbes and viruses. It is good even for a soar throat.
This recourse is most inexpensive but fairly effective. Wish you good health.

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